Age of Empires Online
Game Age of Empires Online - is an incredible unforgettable multiplayer strategy. Age of Empires Online is a historic online game. This game is free, although some versions of the game can be purchased for money.
Game Age of Empires is available to you in four languages: English, Spanish, French and German.
In Age of Empires Online registration is very simple and the power of even a small child. To register, you need to enter the following information about yourself:
1. Locate the site of the game online.
2. Press the button on the site « Sing in » .
3. Enter your e-mail.
4. Create a password for this game and write it to the specified cell.
5. Then click on « Sing in » .
Play Age of Empires Online, you can a computer with the following parameters:
OS: Windows XP or Vista or 2007
Video Memory: 128 MB
Memory ( RAM ): 1 GB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 or ATI Radeon 9500
Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2. 0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000 +
Hard disk drive (HDD): 2.5 GB
Audio card: compatible with DirektX
Internet: Broadband Internet Connection
DirektX 9. 0
In Age of Empires Online play you'll be in such ancient civilizations
1. Greeks - this is the first civilization to be available to you in the game.
2. Egyptians - this is the next civilization in the game. This race is the most economic. Their strength lies in elephants and chariots.
3. Celts - they are aliens. They came from the north.
4. Persians - this civilization in the penultimate game. This civilization is only available in the paid version.
5. Babylonians - this is the last civilization in the game.
Age of Empires Online - a game in which there are houses
1. Hunting lodge - this cabin enhances the ability of those units that have a methyl guns, and enhances the ability of the archers.
2. Cavalry hall - all cavalry force increases.
3. Military School - all infantry units this cabin strengthens.
4. Engineering School - increases the force of ships and some weapons.
5. Building workshop - increases the chances of ships and buildings.
6. Crafts Workshop - with this house increased power carts for trade, fishing lodges and villages.
7. Great Temple - this building increases the power of the priests.
In Age of Empires online you will be given the following types of equipment:
1. Weapon - a means for the protection and defense of their eight pieces.
2. Armor - is special equipment that protects from impact. Remedies - armor in the game eight species.
Units in the game Age of Empires has two types: civil (civilians) and the military. The game also has advisers, ships and buildings.
Age of Empires Online - it's an interesting historical game where you will learn all the details about the civilization that existed before.
Age of Empires you'll love, and you'll feel in the center of the fighting. Immerse yourself in this world and enjoy the vivid special effects, which will provide you with the game Age of Empires Online!