
Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Alternative names: Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield Bad Company, battlfild

Game Battlefield : Bad Company 2 - first person shooter, which is the ninth game in the series Battlefield . It's nothing as p ryamoy sequel to published in 2008 " [ _20_] Battlefield: Bad Company ». Publisher of the project - Electronic Arts . And worked on the development of children EA Digital Illusions CE . Features that attract many users high-quality graphics, the engine Frostbite, which provides a destructible environment, a wide variety of game modes, an interesting plot, dynamic battles and the ability to apply the tactics. One has only to download Battlefield : Bad Company 2 as immediately transported to the territory of hostilities. You will take part in the conflict the United States and Russia. These events are fictional, but this does not become mene spectacular. Stands a better insight into what was going on. Russia, in spite of the defeat suffered by finally managed to strike a decent counterattack. Eastern Europe, the northern part of China and Japan will soon find themselves at the mercy of Russian Armed Forces . Russia followed the seizure of Cuba and northern Mexico. Now and South American countries are starting to work with this great power. Russian scientists are beginning to develop powerful weapons with which to conquer the U.S. expect. But four desperate guys from American Infantry decided at all costs to prevent the seizure of their homeland. So it all started. And to participate in this confrontation, you have to Bad Company 2 download.

Once on your monitor come alive video Battlefield : Bad Company 2, you will forget what boredom. You are waiting for an incredible adventure and the hottest battle. You'll be able to select the appropriate mode and act.

Should start play Battlefield : Bad Company 2 , and you can explore the brave characters. So this Sergeant Preston Marlowe - sniper shooter, which is the main character. The role of the commander of the BRAVO-2 belongs to Sergeant Samuel ("Serge" Radford). Private Terrance "Sweet" Sweetwater is considered an excellent expert on communication and technology. And also there is an expert on explosives, sapper - Private George Gordon Haggard (Jr.). This gallant company is capable of many things! During gameplay you do is make sure.

As for classes, Bad Company 2 game offers such options: Forward, medic, engineer, scout. Of course, everyone has their own particular purpose. Respectively and weapons Battlefield : Bad Company 2 relies misc. In multiplayer, it is divided between classes and opens as pumping. To everyone's weapons include pistols, shotguns, Thompson submachine gun, autoloading rifles (except sniper) and automatic rifle G3. Relative to the single player game is somewhat different. In this case, access to all types of weapons from multiplayer, but no first aid kit, a defibrillator, boxes of ammunition and entrenching tools. Access to new weapons then opened by passing companies. Basically bleeding occurs due to the fact that you score points. And earn points for all actions affecting the course of the battle. Gradually, you go from one level to the next. And accordingly, the title (there are 50). Each step - new opportunities! So go for it! Good luck to you!