
Battle Space

Alternative names: Battle Space

Battle Space online - is a multiplayer online game on the space theme. When almost all of mankind died, leaving only the strongest, whose life goes on spacecraft, the primary goal of every person is - to protect his life and get rid of opponents. You will become one of the captains of the ship, and all the responsibility for your people will fall on your shoulders.

Battle Space registration is quite simple and does not differ from other online games, for this you will need:

1. S IT official game site, because only here you can download the game for free,

2. To enter the address of your own e-mail address;

3. Coined enter your password;

4. Again to enter the password again;

5. Tick the appropriate box on the agreements with the rules of the game;

6. Tick the appropriate box on your privacy.

Then you can safely start the game.

Started playing Battle Space, you should know that the primary authority is Order - an organization whose main objective, the preservation of mankind.

First you will need to choose any planet and begin to look at her resources, then these resources translate into buildings for combat power. Colonizing new planets, you can manage it and create your own empire, but do not forget that you have a lot of enemies that will try to grab it.

Game Battle Space has its own currency - Kuidy, they can pay for the recruitment of soldiers, or alliances.

Battle Space you can play any of the proposed characters, as well you will work the following characters:

· Geologist;

· Admiral;

· Destroyer;

· General;

· Repairman.

Geologist - the best scientist who knows astronomy and astrophysics, can learn any chemical element, as well as find the right resource, as well know in chemistry.

Admiral - a veteran of many battles and warrior, the emperor can fully entrust the management of fleet admiral from each of the situation he finds out, he's smart in battle.

Destroyer - the most dangerous warrior, he can destroy the planet for their own pleasures.

General - the most respected man in the empire, he loves discipline and when it appears grows power of any ship.

Repairman - this warrior is needed to defend your empire, it will protect you in all circumstances, and never betray.

Game Battle Space has its own chat and radio, which is significantly different from other online games. Here you will not only find the answers to your questions, but also to communicate with other players, and most importantly listen to any of your favorite tune. Just together with your friends, you can create a coalition that will greatly help you fight against your opponents and enrich your empire resources. Remember that each ship can fire only on certain types of enemy ships, so pay special attention to the defense of your constructions.


Play Battle Space online and become a real savior of mankind.