
Birds of Steel

Alternative names: Birds of Steel
Game Birds of Steel - a visual confirmation that the post Soviet gamer industry not only exists in the form of a simple definition, but also actively developing. Developers at Gaijin Entertainment clearly decided to take matters into their own hands and prove to the world that the countries of the former CIS can do quality projects. Earlier studio GE has managed to assert itself on the world, they were able to make it through the game IL-2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey. The project was completed so cool that they really are interested in everything, and domestic and foreign gamers (and in fact, if you look, it is a merit of the number of serious). Inspired by the successful launch, in less than six months later came to light Birds of Steel. Overview of this game and we offer you to explore in the next few minutes. Developers decided not to deviate from the chosen course successfully, but because a new project, as well as IL-2, which is closely associated with aviation. New game can even be considered a continuation of a successful project. What is true, unlike Assault in Birds of Steel aircraft will conquer spaces Pacific air areas. Coming into the draft, the player automatically becomes a pilot, manage one of the military aircraft taking part in the Second World War. As before, the developers came to the creation of the game responsibly and serzno: has been studied a lot of reliable historical sources that shed light on the characteristics of each known aviation battle. As a result: Birds of Steel - simulator that looks really realistic and technically and aesthetically, and even from a historical perspective. The project is perfectly transferred to the events associated with the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Wake Island, Gaudalkanal and other important locations. Success in the project will be able to reach someone who will play in the Birds of Steel responsibly. Gamer should understand that from his decisions and actions will determine the fate of many people (not literally, of course, but nonetheless), but because the game offers the opportunity to realize is any strategic acquisitions. Before the game, you will need to pick the most suitable aircraft (that, first of all, you should download Birds of Steel, we did not even mention - an experienced gamer himself anticipates this turn of events). Be prepared for the fact that the selection process may be delayed - the developers have produced more than hundreds of original aircraft models, the characteristics of each of which can vary quite significantly. Gameplay will consist of a large number of original tasks, each of which is associated with a specific historical event. Of Birds of Steel video shows how high-quality graphics project boasts. Participate in the game will not only residents of the post-Soviet space, the project also officially published in Europe and North America. Multiplayer mode allows you to combine business with pleasure: an interesting game with new acquaintances.