

Alternative names: Hellgard

Hellgard online - a free browser based MMORPG game made in the style of fantasy, inhabited obortni, vampires and inquisitors.

So what would start the game, you will need to register Hellgard:

  • To enter your e-mail and password
  • To choose a character
  • Assign a character name

Regarding the characters in the game Hellgard: there are three races, Inquisitors, Werewolves and Vampires. Each race offers a choice of male or female gender.

Let's look at these races:

Inquisitors - they hunt dangerous to humans beings and possess supernatural powers

Werewolves - brave and ruthless creatures who are ready to fight, with both vampires and inquisitors, and with themselves;

Vampires - vampires, they love blood, but some prefer human, and some purely animal.

In Hellgard game, each character, there are five of the most important parameters:

Power - impact on the power stroke;

Build - impact on the increase in the number of life points and armor;

Agility - affects the possible evasion;

Intelligence - has an impact on the number of points of energy, magic defense and attack;

Luck - affects the critical strike chance.

In the future, play the game online Hellgard, with each new level or any particular experience, you can selectively increase these parameters, but it is necessary to consider what it will affect each parameter and increase it one which is necessary for you to further victories.

In each of the races in the online game Hellgard, has its own unique city and a unique type of character development, in addition, each character has a personal weapon and remedies, its direction of development and individual profession (shahterstvo, rybalstvo, gathering, trade ). In order to improve the experience in Hellgard online game, you will need to participate in the passage of numerous and exciting quests, and perform various tasks. World game online Hellgard consists of many picturesque locations, which is home to various creatures and monsters. Here are some of the representations of locations: Serenity Valley, Finger Serfirota, toad field, fighting for survival, Labyrinth, Kameliard, Hunting grounds Kameliarda, Teorot.

The development of your character in the game depends on factors such as personal experience and compliance actions regarding morality chosen race. Therefore Nellgard play you should pay attention to their reputation.

It should be noted that to play the game Hellgard online, you will have a unique, for games such as the possibility to own pets (animals) who are so devoted to his master, that they are willing to fight that would protect his master. Buy a pet can have the trainer.

A few words about how to play Hellgard, you can earn. Here are some options: completing quests, collecting valuable drop, trading things, and with the help of their friends (via info Player).

The battle system in the game Hellgard built in real time, where in addition to the usual fights, you can take part in massive battles deadly. For what would Hellgard play was interesting, the game has the ability to create clans.

At the conclusion of the review, add the following: the game is not for the faint hearted, hard enough, with good graphics and sound design. Join in the game after Hellgard, you will not regret that decided to try yourself in the role of one of the representations of characters in this game.

So, Hellgard check waiting for you!