Pirates Tide of Fortune
Pirates Tide of Fortune - gentlemen of fortune.
Pirates Tide of Fortune game that will please all lovers of maritime adventure and pirate adventures. The player gets the opportunity to plunge into the romance of life on the islands in the endless ocean, where the main business is the development and protection of its territory from the other players, hungry for an easy meal. Choosing this game, the user himself should become a gentleman of good luck, which would result in your island to the economic prosperity and the military. Pirates Tide of Fortune online - is a multiplayer browser game, which has already registered more than 11 million users, they have the opportunity to fight with each other, with computer enemies unite in unions, and certainly create the Order to conclude trade deals. This project is likely military strategy, but can not be created without the development of a strong army and economy of the fleet.
Nachalo game Pirates Tide of Fortune and its features.
Chto filibusters to replenish the ranks, the draft Pirates Tide of Fortune registration is required. To do this, the user must fill in a form, consisting of a few lines, to come up with a name, email address and password. You can connect to the game using your account on the social network. Immediately after the registration of the player hits the seas, among kilometers of water lost a small island, and it will become the new home, which will begin with the construction of the great pirate power. As part of the training the first thing the player will have to build a building for the production of the necessary resources, there are several:
- Rom, produced in a factory, it is drunk without exception - Pirates workers and those who are fighting;
- Zoloto, its deposits are on the island, but not mine did not get;
- Derevo, as there is on the island that would receive it, you need felling.
V except for resource extraction game you need to develop science, culture and the army. The project submission in the player are forty different army combat units and the navy, you can even create a terrible sea monster Kraken. Also, all the army can be divided into types, each of them has a unit for the defense and attack:
- Piraty
- Naemniki
- Eskadra
- Armada
Dlya that would create an army and navy should build command and combat of construction, improve their level, to carry out research of advanced weapons and armor. All of these actions, as well as the army itself require resource maintenance costs. The fact that you can get on the island, and then beat the waves to the shore is not enough to create the great sea state. To become truly rich, it can only be engaged in pirate fishing, robbing the neighboring islands, to attack merchant ships and naval fortress. If the army is still rather weak and even war is not the inheritance, you can create a trading company and do business. Across the sea, located caches of treasure and their seizure brings not a bad profit. Alone to be sad, so play Pirates Tide of Fortune is much more fun with friends. In this project, you can go to visit and watch it from others, to conduct diplomatic and trade relations with different players, share resources and scientific developments, helping to transform the military force and their friends in the corsairs. In this strategy, you can create your own or join the Order of the existing one. The Order's for real, captains receive titles and ranks. Gathered in the Order, the players combined to create a powerful efficient army, you can use it to grab colonies and protect them from the royal troops.
Pirates Tide of Fortune very interesting and incredibly colorful game with excellent graphics and sound design.