Game Rune will be able to intrigue you alone saver! Unveil the veil of secrecy, and warn you that, on the whole, the screensaver will not change, but every time they start the game ugly characters that appear on its background, will be different. So, you will meet with the gremlins, dwarves, humans, and even lots of funny characters. Immediately notify worth of imperfect game menu. For example, traditional ESC key here is not to come out, and is intended to bring up the main menu of the game. Therefore, in order to control the game was given to you easily, we recommend you immediately reconfigure the keys for themselves.
Rune game begins, no more, no less, with a visit to your hero a dedication ceremony in the ranks of soldiers of an unknown hero who humbly bowed before devoting his advice. After a long and tiring slightly (as it seemed to us) of speech all the warriors of the Council, raised his arms and burst into loud screaming. As the logic goes, the newly dedicated hero sword should be the longest. A few minutes later we tolerate in the abandoned village.
Rune should download each player as the game is truly a quality project. Despite the fact that at first glance may seem a bit graphic rustic, it's made really good quality. Her best hand you can consider setting options panel maximum quality settings. We also thought it was kind of easy 2D graphics is the highlight of this project. The game is so fast and the scenery believable change each other, and think about the monotony is not necessary.
Download game Rune possible also to enjoy the quality performance of dynamic objects. Unlike some static characters and landscapes, moving objects are made as soon as possible with high quality.
The developers describe it as a genre thriller, in which events occur in the first person. All contestants are shown qualitatively so that even a layman will be able to understand without being told the class to which each of them belongs.
In Rune will play using powerful weapons. Still staying on the territory of the village, the main character finds an abandoned utility room. Here all the participants of the project covers the main types of weapons, its features and benefits. You can arbitrarily combine the various movements that can bring special combos. Besides this project only applies to magic weapon - almost all swords or hammers possess magical features.
Before starting the gameplay, you will need to download the game Rune that can be done directly on the main website of the game. To you personally could see the benefits of this project, you can either download it or previewed to Rune video trailer, which is described in detail all the benefits!