Skyrama Game Online - a free airport simulator, where you become the director of your own airport.
To play Skyrama, you must have the system requirements:
• Operating system Windows XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows Vista;
• CPU Pentium © III, 1,6 GHz or (Mac OSX) compatible computer;
• Video Card 16 MB, 32 MB or more;
• Memory 265 MB RAM, 512 MB recommended RAM;
• Flash Player Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player version 9. 115. 0;
• Internet Explorer from version 6 and Firefox with the second version.
• Operating system Windows XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows Vista;
• Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2 3GHz;
• Memory 2 GB or more;
• graphics card NVIDIA GeForce 8800 series or ATI Radeon 4800 series, 512 MB.
Skyrama online game requires no download and install, you need only pass Skyrama registration. Join in the game Skyrama is as follows:
1. Enter a nickname - the name under which you play.
2. Enter the password and repeat it.
3. Specify the e-mail.
4. And accept the terms of the user agreement and become a registered player.
Once registration is completed Skyrama, be responsible thing to do - to build its own airport!
Play online game Skyrama not just interesting, but even useful, because here zadeystvuete all his organizational skills. There are no restrictions and limits for the development of the airport - free in their fantasies.
You have to construct a service boxes for airplanes and terminals for passengers. In Skyrama online all based on the principle of cooperation between the players - will be able to organize flights to each other and to exchange goods. Airports visiting friends and inviting them to visit your own can turn your airport in the largest transport hub!
The game features a large variety of aircraft and landscapes. To your taste and decor equip develop a design that will give maximum individuality own airport. Decorating various airport buildings and colorful objects will attract the attention of new passengers.
In Skyrama definitely fun to play. In the beginning, your airport is very small and quite developed - it has no buildings, no infrastructure and only one runway. During the game, the main objective is to turn it into a huge international airport by performing various tasks.
With only one runway, should ensure that it has always been free. Just landed immediately should release strip for other pending landing. After landing another plane, get a small fee, which later can invest in the acquisition of more modern aircraft. As soon earn enough money, look in the store, where there are many new aircraft.
Also, except for use in the game earned money, have the opportunity to use their own money. To do this, you just need to translate them into the game. Thus, you will have money not only for the construction of new luxury buildings, but also for the construction of car parks and bus stops.
When you have finished the construction of all necessary buildings and zaasfaltiruete runway, will need to find ways to attract passengers. One such method is the construction of bright amazing buildings. In achieving success passengers play a crucial role, so every possible way to bring them to your airport.
Play online game Skyrama never be bored - there's always a lot to do: you have to cater for all aircraft to conduct their inspection, control loading and offloading luggage, prepare the plane for the next flight ...
Very interesting to observe personal life heroes - will be able to find out who started the next novel controllers and why the pilot had quarreled with the senior flight attendant.
Online game Skayrama allow fun and to spend their free time. Embark on the most remote little corners of the planet - go up into the sky and conquer new heights!