
Far Far Away Kingdom

Alternative names: Far Far Away Kingdom
Far Far Away Kingdom game is exciting browser game, which every day is gaining its popularity. This game belongs to the genre of games about farm strategy and gripping quests new format. Perhaps you did not expect it, but now you can feel like a fabulous hero, who needs to save his kingdom from Koshchey bessmetnogo. When you save it, you will own all the land, and you can create a completely new principality, which will prosper. In Far Far Away Kingdom game you will play defending Russian land from all harmful vermin. To do this, you will need to build strong fortifications at a remote site you and your breed farm to feed its population and animals. Then you have to organize the work of diverse workshops and shops. Far Far Away Kingdom free game will introduce you to all the game features. The game Far Far Away kingdom you will play on his own behalf. In performing tasks to help you come characters from favorite fairy tales Alenushka and Alyosha Popovich. In the social network Classmates Far Far Away Kingdom designed for you specific indicators To find out how well you cope with their tasks, the game developers have created special characteristics: 1. Your game level 2. Your gaming title. 3. Your reputation is that you need to open a new land. 4. Your game currency. In the game Kingdom Far Far Away main currency coin act, as well as rings. To the kingdom of Far Far Away in the game tasks were performed at a high quality level and at Sway gaming site, you will need energy. Relative to the energy, here it is, that one action in the game is equal one unit of energy game. Your energy can restore not only automatically, but also intended for time (which means that one unit restores five minutes). You can buy everything you need for your special game principality game store called Shop. This store has the following types of products: 1. Structures. These include: dungeons, cottages, workshops, etc.; 2. Decor. In this section you can buy fences, roads, and other various stuffed; 5. Nature. This type includes different trees, plants. 6. Economy. This type includes different beds on which you grow your plants. Also belong to this type, and animals. 7. Clothing. This section of your favorite character. Thanks to it you will be putting your hero in new garb; 8. Things. This is an important section, which includes energy potions and more. In order to engage in building a house, you will need different materials. To mine all the materials on the land territories, you can, using the cutting of trees and the destruction of stones. And of course, you will need to do their own business in this appendix. From their homes you have the opportunity to collect profits, as well as to replenish their own coffers. In-Game Far Far Away kingdom quests will be linked with the performance of important tasks. During the game you will encroach variety Barabashka and pests. Against them, you have to defend yourself.