

Alternative names: Trividator

Game Triviador a browser game, which combines the possession of knowledge in various areas and battles.

In browser-based online game Triviador registration is done through the official website of the game, as well as have the opportunity to register through the popular social networking site on the Internet - Facebook. Join in the game and the site interface are presented in English.

In order to register online games Triviador you will need to do the following:

1) Find official website Triviador, while using any search engine that you know. For example, Yandex.

2) Once you open the site, before you immediately start downloading games. It will display the question of whether you want to create. If you disagree, then just click on the X in the upper right corner. And if the opposite, then click the checkbox link «Sing in here». After that you will see the registration form.

3) In the first cell write Email (your email address).

4) Then enter the next cell Password (your password). It must be quite unique and contain letters and numbers.

5) Then select Usename (your user name).

6) to read the sections that are below, if you agree with them, mark them. You need to click on the squares, which are opposite the items.

7) And at the end, click «Register».

Now you are a legitimate user Triviador games and all your achievements will be saved.

Play game Triviador keeping all their achievements, can only registered users of the game. Given that this game is a browser, the most attention is paid to high-speed Internet connection. Computer system parameters must be not less than the average. This is to ensure that the game worked fine.

In the browser game you will play Triviador men that will give its color and you will have your castle. Colors in the game: blue, yellow and red.

Battles in Triviador online unusual. Selected for the battle two opponents. It may be you or someone the other two players.

As a duel you will be given a question that must be answered for a given amount of time. Who answers this question correctly wins. After the answer is a fight where the winner kills the loser and takes his place.

The game will be in front of you is a map of the Earth, you have to win. The more you win, the more of your fellows will be placed on the map, and thus you will become the winner.

Questions in the game are quite simple. They come from different spheres: from history and ending with popular cartoons.

Online browser game free Triviador give you the opportunity to test their knowledge, and the ability to conquer the world with his character.

Sign Triviador in the game and save your results. Do not be afraid to test your knowledge. Be aware, you will certainly come to win!