Stormfall Age of War
Stormfall Age of War is a browser-based online game, which refers to a style of military-economic strategies. In this game you will fight against the evil orcs for what to save the entire planet.
Stormfall Age of War registration presented in Russian, so you should not have any difficulties with respect to registration. In order to register in the game War of Thrones you must perform the following steps:
- Find the official website of the game War of Thrones online.
- On the main page, fill out the registration form.
- In the first cell you will need to enter your nickname (your name for the game, it can be invented).
- Then enter your email address. But he must be in Mail. ru. If you do not have an electronic box on this email, you can sign up via this form by clicking on the"Register"near the field where you specify your mail.
- Then confirm your email address. For this purpose it is necessary to enter again.
- Read the user agreement and privacy policy, as registered, you automatically agree with them.
- And at the end, click"Play. "
Play Stormfall Age of War can only registered users, which currently has a full eighteen years. The main condition of the game is to connect to the Internet and a web browser on (special program to access the Internet) on your computer.
Stormfall Age of War You'll play, getting to know the two types of armies:
- Regular Army - this army you can be purchased for gold and meat.
However, the characteristics of the Regular Army and Imperial alike. In the browser game Stormfall Age of War online, there are four types of troops:
- Infantry. Main purpose of these troops - it is an attack. By infantry include: Undead, Spearman, Archer, Dwarf Paladin.
- Cavalry. For these troops the main task - is the protection. This type includes: Nomad, Knight, Barbarian, Grandlord.
- Magistrates. Their purpose is the protection, like the Cavalry, but they have a special magic. This type refers Golem, Warlock, Demon, Nekroman.
- Bestiary. Their main goal - is intelligence. To beings are Bestiary: The Spy Griffin, Wyvern, Dragon.
Stormfall Age of War Online You can create alliances. This is necessary so that you can increase your strength. Stormfall Age of War allows you to do different buildings
- Fatigue - they are necessary in order to extract resources and store them.
- Team - these buildings are connected with the management of the castle. Data buildings include the City Hall, the dungeon, the Privy Council, and so
- Martial - troops are needed to create and manage them. These buildings include barracks, guard the bridge, and so
- Safety - they are necessary for protection, as well as for decoration. To protective constructions include: wall, tower, gate, etc.
Stormfall Age of War free will give you the opportunity to plunge into the world of military strategy.