

Alternative names: IksBlaster

XBlaster online - a free addicting online game in which the player will participate in gladiatorial combat on Furs (mechanical robots).
Online game XBlaster available in any modern browser and install additional game client is not required.

All you need is to register in the game XBlaster:
in the registration fields to enter the name (first name), password, e-mail, choose a game server, enter the date of birth and registration number (if any). Then take agreement with game rules and this Registration XBlaster finished. Now you can start playing the game online XBlaster.

At the start of the game the player is invited to choose one of 3 mechanical bellows. Each one is unique in its own way:
1) Ranger - besides the standard weapons, it has a zipper and ion gun. There are also special features - twice the maneuverability.
2) Defender - in addition to standard equipment, it has a laser and pulse weapons, and his "highlight" is a temporary impenetrable protective shield.
3) Hunter - is an individual weapon, as a high-velocity gun and plasma gun, except that he still has a chip, as a search missile that pursues his goal to defeat.

For the standard types of weapons: at the start of each Fur has in its arsenal a circular saw, a pistol and a grenade launcher.
Selecting interesting, so the player will think twice! Once the choice is made, you can try their fur in the work, initially it will be a normal job quest. At the completion of the player loans and a unique game currency "skills." In the weapons will be to equip their fur in the fight, and then upgrade the chosen weapon in the hangar.
Here is a list of all the weapons of war that are available in the game: Circular saw, gun, grenade launcher, Mina, Lightning, Laser, machine gun, flame thrower, Blast Wave, Rocket, Ion Cannon, Pulse weapons and plasma gun. And then there are stimulants, which for some time improve certain characteristics Furs.

For fur control: control is the arrow buttons on your keyboard to move, Ctrl and Space - to shoot.
XBlaster online game has arena - this is a limited place simultaneously is three players. The main task is - to kill two enemies. You can choose full enemies, who were not injured in combat engagements, and can be insidiously creeping up around the corner and finish is wounded.

Play the game online can XBlaster using teleport, he rescues from too strong contenders or if the fur is much broken. Teleportation occurs in another location. Only to the port must still reach, but does not always work ...
online game XBlaster has no clan system that sets it apart from other games of the development team Bigpoint, because individual game ...

In XBlaster, every month played Jackpot 10,000 Euros. So, play IksBlaster will be doubly interesting!

What else can be added, is the fact that the game has a high-quality 3D graphics, that leaves a pleasant impression on the game. I am sure that it will be interesting to play XBlaster at any age, if there is a passion and a desire to be master of a powerful military machine. During the game, the player acquainted with many interesting missions, duels, tournaments and even a number of other interesting game features ...

All that separates you from these exciting events, it XBlaster registration. Do not need long to think it's time to try his hand in the battle, driving the war machine of the future!