A Bug

A Bug's Life games

All living creatures live by their own laws. The subjects online game Bug's Life, we find ourselves drawn into stories that take place in an anthill, namely - a leading character Flick. He invites you to play for free, going with him levels upcoming adventure. Surely you want to know how he dealt with the army of locusts, and what the invention is going to present to the public. Not all his discoveries are effective and work well, but if you 're close, he will correct all shortcomings, to avoid an accident. Also, you are waiting for coloring and for the big-eyed search for hidden objects and differences.
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But each group has its own rules, and life goes on unwritten laws. Among them are workers, soldiers, princess, queen, builders, shepherds, scientists and other professions. It's great to remind people, and is an excellent idea to create cartoons, which then will be released computer games.
American comedy cartoon"A Bug's Life"was the basis for the game's story The Adventures of Flick. This is the story of a single ant, who has long paid tribute locust clan as a food ration. It lasted a long time ago, that someone thought about the correctness of this phenomenon. Everyone thought that this stability has a positive effect on the development of ant society without conflict.
One Flick instructed to deliver another batch of products, but it is thought, or staring, and all the good overturned in a creek. Party food intended locusts, died.
Dogovoritsya postponement also did not work with them, and in a double fee was charged as a penalty on the ants. This was an insult, and Flick was troubled, but he himself nearly driven out of an anthill for negligence.
Hero continues to reflect on how to get rid of brazen gang, and offers to invite as by other insects, to unite with them their own. Nobody believes in this venture, although not interfere Flick working on it. So the ant encounters a group of wandering circus of insects, which can help in his view, and has not lost.
To help the ants defend their independence, we invite you to play the game A Bug's Life, where you are waiting for new adventures in the company of the brave insects.

Osnovnye geroi

  • A Bug's Life games – Flick ant rebel inspired ant infestation on the resistance band out of the game Bug's Life.
  • queen of the colony. First Flick does not take seriously, but then changes his mind.
  • – Princess Atta, who only knows how to fly. Initially, a rare, but in the end became the new queen. Flick felt for affection.
  • – Dora the youngest princess.
  • – Heimlich the caterpillar, the clown from the circus.
  • – Francis ladybug clown in a circus troupe.
  • – Gypsy - moth butterfly, beautiful gypsy.
  • – Manny magician mantis.
  • Emil Bloch
  • – Manager circus group.
  • Rosie
  • – spider tightrope walker and trainer.
  • Dim
  • – rhinoceros beetle in the role of trainer and acrobat.
  • Roll
  • and – For twins woodlice work cannonballs. They also will meet you during the game A Bug's Life.
  • – Hopper leader of locusts.
  • The brain – brother Hopper. When realizes that his brother does not appreciate, is adjacent to the circus group.
  • – Cheburashka trained aggressive pet - grasshopper Hopper.

Bitva for anthill prodolzhaetsya

Predstavlyaem players game Bug's Life, which is very important to find the hidden objects. It is of strategic importance, and it is important to look for one and all, to help the heroes reflect another enemy attack.
Accompany the brave ant in his dangerous adventures on the big world. At any moment he could be killed, and to help him gather the leaves and acorns, avoiding the rocks and birds.
Game A Bug's Life offer to find the differences between almost identical pictures, and paint the scene Flick goodbye to Princess Atta. Their relationship gradually start to warm up, it can be clearly seen by the eyes and coyly curled mustache both characters.