Gardenscape games

Gardenscape games

Games Marvelous garden online, it's free fun options, offering to arrange gardening area at its best. The once beautiful lawn with fountains, rose bushes, arches, benches, trees and drinking bowls for birds come to desolation. Only you, starting to play, able to regain its former greatness of the garden. It takes a lot of money, and there are new items and expensive plants. So, you will have to make. Perhaps, as the Matroskin you have to sell something unnecessary. This is a great idea and already have found you wanting to buy antiques.

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Gardenscape by Category:

The game Brave garden belongs to the genre loved by many search objects. But it is twice more interesting than the standard search. Since it still has elements of logical puzzles and a simple economic strategy. Is not it true, nice cocktail? So many believe. Therefore, the popularity of the Brave garden is growing rapidly.

Restore the old garden

Gardenscape games Gardenscape games Starting the game plot is fairly simple – you got a legacy old mansion. Of course – and it suggests the name of the game – with a luxurious garden around it. Luxurious, but after running for several years of neglect by the previous owner. Your task is – return familial possessions former glory. Of course, this would require a substantial sum of money. The game creators offer a simple way to get it – sale of antiques, which in the set fills the room of the mansion. That finding them and you have to do. And it is unlikely you will spend on it just one night. Developers offer you the 15 rooms in which more than a thousand hidden objects. That is why the Wonderful garden to play online makes a number of fans of hidden object scene. So many locations and objects implies not every game of this genre.

In addition, the game has a very extensive help system. There is a camera, a flash that illuminates « hiding » subject. There is a thermometer that updates your search for – If you are close to the desired object, the temperature goes up, and if it moves away, the thermometer shows « cold ». Is the game and the object of the search, the same for all locations. So how do you really need the money to Gardenscape games arrangement of the garden in all the rooms of the mansion is necessary to look for gold coins.

Other tasks of the games Brave garden

In parallel with the search and sale of items you purchase items needed to decorate the garden. It – beloved by many a game in the genre « I Designer ». Only it's not about the room arrangement, but rather, about landscape design. The range of subjects for arrangement of the garden is very broad and includes various styles. You can create a garden a la Versailles, but you can – something unusual and hi-tech. Moreover, you will gradually become available pieces from different sets of – because you go through the rooms of the expedition house. According to the storyline of the game, the more beautiful your garden, the more it attracts those wishing to buy your finds at the auction. And to keep the fans something to remember about the past game, the developers have made it possible to photograph the garden arrangement options and place them on the screen saver on your computer.