Cat Leopold by Category:
Many of you have at least once in his life, in his speech used the phrase « Guys, let's live together! », or at least heard of it from relatives, friends or acquaintances. Yes, it's wonderful phrase from the Soviet cartoon about the cat Leopold and two mice.
When good triumphs over evil
Since 1975, the light came the eleven episodes of this hilarious story about how two naughty mice are trying in every way to harm a cat by the name of Leopold, which is different from the usual cats incredible tolerance and intelligence. Mouse build his various traps, call it « cowards », prevent him to engage in favorite things: it's new TV viewing, bike tours of the city, a trip to make your own hands supercar and so on. At the end of each series of good triumphs over evil, and the main character chastises mice for their prokaznichestvo, saying the phrase « Guys, let's live together », mouse repent for what he did dirty tricks and promise not to do it.
The main characters – visualization of ordinary Soviet children
cartoon director Anatoly Reznikov tried to portray the main characters of the cartoon as much as possible approached to children. In some series, except for the cat, and two mice there are still some characters.
- Leopold – a cat that does not have bad habits, whose exemplary conduct and which always tries to calm down the two pesky mice his homilies. It has a red color and a long tail. From series to series, he wears black pants and yellow t-shirt with half sleeves rolled up. Leopold is on his feet slippers purple. On his chest he flaunts a huge purple bow.
- Mice – gray and white. In the story, they do not have names, but they are called Mitya and Motya. They always work together and try to annoy Leopold at every opportunity: to spoil the birthday cat, adjust the accident, when he was going to ride a bike, to prevent a medical examination. Gray often dressed in a yellow T-shirt with short sleeves and blue shorts. On his feet he had brown shoes. White has a pink T-shirt and dark blue pants. On his feet are dark brown shoes.
- Dog Doctor – ordinary pooch in a white coat. It appears in the series, when Leopold came to him for help – he decides to teach mice. The doctor prescribes the medicine, which for a while Leopold loses his kindness and patience and begins to chase mice.
that do not play
On our site you can be a part of this great history and free to play games Leopold the Cat. They are represented in fairly large quantities and made very high quality. Additionally, you can enjoy free games Cat Leopold. Here you can find a great variety razrisovok, where you can define yourself, what will your characters: whether you strictly follow the director's idea and try to recreate the colors of heroes, or come up with their incredible combination of colors for the main characters. Free games cat Leopold suit both boys and girls, both children and adults – all will be very interesting to try myself as an artist. If you are tired of prettification – your attention playing cat Leopold catch. You do not need anything to download or install on your computer – on our website you can play games online Leopold the Cat, is enough to have at the disposal of installed add-on for your browser – Flash Player. Do not waste a minute more time, go, run your favorite game and go on an adventure in the company of two mice and the charming Leopold the Cat!