Hepland Games

Hepland Games

Show what you can do when you start playing free online games Hepland. A chain of logical actions will lead you to the next tasks. Trying not to kill your little men, pull the levers, blow up obstacles, open gates and doors, pick up objects, light a torch and complete levels. The toy is not easy, but exciting, and if you are ready to accept the challenge, start the gameplay. You are waiting for adventures in several series, full of dangers and unexpected enemies, in which little people aggressively move forward, counting on your cooperation.
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Hepland Games in an imperfect world

Hepland games online Fans of intellectual entertainment are invited to the heading where all Hepland game series are collected. If you look around, you will see the country of little stickymen. These are brave creatures that are constantly moving. They are so restless that they never get tired of exploring their own world again and again.
Stickman actions do not always go unpunished. Often the actions end with the death of a brave little man, but it doesn’t matter, because you can easily send another to his place. In this primitive, painted world, everything revolves, revolves, moves, flies and falls. Each item tends to action, and you must determine the sequence. Only by finding the right combination of moves, and by clicking on objects in time, will you be able to progress in the Hepland game plot.

We reveal Hepland's riddles

In the country of stickmen there are a lot of secrets that are interesting to solve. But it is very dangerous, and takes time. There is a lot of work to be done to activate various mechanisms, to launch all kinds of machines and levers, to activate explosive devices, and at the same time not to die.

When playing Hepland games, get ready for brainstorming. Let the toy look rustic, but the pictures drawn with lines are not a reason to relax, because they have a complex mechanism. You will be convinced of the truth of the above, starting to play independently.

As such a buildup on simple levels, you won't be immediately immersed in solving puzzles, pulling levers, pressing buttons, and trying many more different manipulations. Predict in advance what should happen is impossible. In fact, you will learn about this world as you live in it. You have assistants who obey your instructions and are ready for any, even the most dizzying experiments.

Hepland games online Where once there was a plain, a pit may be formed after the explosion, and it in turn will fill with water, forming a lake, at the bottom of which the entrance to the bunker is hidden.
You can move underground, because you have dug deep niches in which the lighting is held. Staying there, you can use the lever to launch the device on the surface of the earth, and those will lead to the activation of the launch pad of the spacecraft.
During the game Hepland important active actions:

  • Interact with objects
  • Run the mechanisms in sequence.
  • Apply bombs, guns, levers, buttons
  • Move to different rooms
  • Try not to destroy the stickmen family

Hepland games online Around you, not only soulless machines, but also living organisms, which also play a role. If there is a crow in the frame, it is for some reason needed, and if it does not work to force it to act, then the time has not come. One day she will play a role as a slug, unknown animals and other living animals.

Do not miss the fascinating story

Each part of the Hepland game is filled with its own storyline. The first two episodes do not differ in the length of the passage, but the following stories will delay you longer

As far as the fun is not saturated, it all comes down to the main idea of ​​lighting torches, and launching a mysterious installation that fills with a neon glow.
It is possible that this is a signal to space that earthlings are willing to cooperate, or, on the contrary, a protective screen from alien alien penetration. One thing is clear, men are connected with space aliens, and they are working energetically to resurrect an extinct station. Your task is to become their ally so that they can fulfill their sacred mission.