Unfreeze me games

Unfreeze me games

Look, someone has placed a treacherous ice traps, and they pleased innocent birds! Small and defenseless, they turned into ice cubes, and is about to die if they do not help. Only by starting to play free online game Unfreeze me, you will be able to help the poor thing. Toy is based on logical actions. To the task was accomplished, it is necessary to find a place to put the object, which will launch the further process. It all comes down to the fact, that hot water to melt the icicles captivity chick. If you can handle, go to the next stage of the game with a more complex task.
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Veselye game Unfreeze ptichku

Unfreeze me games In order to achieve the best results of the game Unfreeze me, need all your analytical thinking. This is a logical child's toy, develop observation and intelligence in solving the puzzles.
You've come to the beginning of the Ice Age, when the creation of small often fall into the trap of ice. As soon as the bird fall asleep on a branch in the rain, and she woke up chained to a cube folk. She had no strength to get out of the strong traps. She can not even move, and only rely on your ability to find the right solutions.
Rid bird on ice can warm water. – It is so easy to pour from the jug to melt the ice floe. But the barriers that prevent to do the job quickly, without forcing chick suffer.
The first level is quite simple, and simply click on a pitcher with a star that poured out of him a warm stream directly on the piece of ice. You see how quickly it melts, and when it will disappear completely, and the bird happily vstrepenetsya uporhnet.
Further tasks the game Unfreeze the bird will gradually become more complex. There will be new items that can be moved and rotated, directing a jet in the right direction. Sometimes it will save several chicks, using improvised items to achieve the objectives.
One Birdie decided to hide from the cold, and huddled in the nooks and woke up in the small pieces of ice. They themselves painted themselves into a trap, but you do not let them die. Looking for a way to get to him, and under the influence of hot water, melt the ice cells.

Budte izobretatelny

V as auxiliary items you will find on the playground:

  • Derevyannye perekladiny
  • Uskoriteli as yaits
  • Kuvshiny
  • Paketiki with edoy

Za each passed level you get points for the accuracy of the mission, as well as bonuses for collected food and jugs filled with water.
On some stages you can move the pitcher of water vertically or horizontally, but in this case it is necessary to find the right combination of location and planochek accelerators to perform basic and bonus task.

Auxiliary facilities also sometimes can be rotated on an axis and set in different locations. Try and experiment until you find the ideal position of each part, and do not reach with their help results.

Unfreeze me games Unfreeze me games During the game Unfreeze the bird you'll also see the monsters. They are found at every level, but when you see the fierce eyes, this is a terrible monster. They love moisture, and if they fall a drop, just be happy with this, and even increase in size. They are often lined snake, making it difficult to get close to the frozen bird to warm her. Be smarter, and find the correct way to solve the problem.

Logika your best oruzhie

Igry unfreeze me to help develop the ability to think tactically, look for options and see in the future. For children, these exercises are very useful, and adults can not hurt to check your own ability to think in the right direction.
Opening of the game Unfreeze me, you will see that the plot is continuing. All series are developed in one scenario, and there is no connection between the narrative thread, so you can start gaming experience with any version, and get real pleasure from the fun.
It is possible to organize a competition in the passing game Unfreeze the bird and the excitement will not let go until the last step behind. This is a great game for gamers of all generations, when use is intertwined with pleasure. Play, develop, and invite friends to share with you the joy of passing.