Evermoor games

Evermoor games

Online games Evermoor invite to play for free, plunging into mystical adventures. You are waiting for the magic and secrets, which only Tara can solve - the girl who turned out to be the main Averin. She came with her family to visit Aunt Bridget, and did not expect the events that unfolded later. She has to live in a strange mansion, where rooms are able to predict the future. Knowing him, and possessing magic, a young sorceress can prevent many dangers. But she needs your help, so as not to miss anything important during her adventures and fermenting over a vast territory.
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Electromagnetic games

Evermoor games online If nothing interesting and mysterious is expected, the teenagers will find a way to think it up. This unique ability is given only at a young age, when the imagination works to its fullest. To keep this talent in adulthood, in the soul one must always remain a child. In the meantime, we are talking about the heroine of the games Evermoor, which became known for the first time from the youth series, shot at the Disney studio.

The main heroine is Tara Crossley. She is one of four children in the family, although two of them are hers. Together with them, the girl moves from America to the English town of Evermoor, settling in a house that is just about the center of the horror film. Evermoor games online

It was said by Aunt Bridget, who is dying to come to life. But this is not the most mysterious thing that the heroine had to face. She could not even imagine that magic actually exists, although her mother is a writer and is just writing incredible stories.

Once inside the room"Tapestry", and long considering the picture of their new home, Tara and her relatives noticed that in one of the windows there was a fire. After a while it actually happened, and it became clear that in this room you can find out the future.

In the beginning, incomprehensible and mysterious things began to notice only the girl, the others did not take her stories seriously, writing off to the wild imagination. But it soon became clear that the house was really strange events. In addition, Tara understands that she is the highest Averin that is capable of changing the future.

Now she will often have to use her knowledge and strength to help solve difficult situations, and even bring her family back to life. To do this, she needs a golden thread, but it is always so small. In order to replenish the reserves, one can arrange a feast of burning old things, but one must be careful that the woven string does not burn in a hot flame. Heroes of the events of the series and the games Evermoor:

  • Crossley's headline heroine
  • Jack the younger brother of Tara
  • Crossword Mother Tara
  • Rob's husband Fiona
  • Seb and Bella twins, Rob's children and half-brother with sister Tara and Jake
  • Soccasion of a young witch
  • Aunt Tara's aunt, staged her own death, to enable her niece to realize her destiny.

Discussing the Secrets

Evermoor games online Such mystical plot, full of mysteries, attracts more and more viewers and gamers, ready to go the unknown paths of the games Evermoor. You will meet all members of the family, solve a lot of puzzles with them and pass other tasks.

  • Find differences
  • Treat the memory
  • On the adventure of
  • Fold the puzzle

In one of the game stories you have to go through the thread of fate to learn all the secrets that the mansion keeps. With Tara, her whole family comes there, and the mayor meets them, deciding to treat guests with local delicacy with a cake of marsh grass. From the first minutes the events look rather strange and frightening.

Take at least the fact that the girl's laptop was not clearly located near the locked red door. When she looked at the keyhole, she saw a woman on the other side of the door. But how did she get there? This needs to be clarified, but first find the key.

Suzhet games Evermoor constantly puts new cottages, and in order to understand how to proceed further, one must communicate with other characters, carry out assignments and explore the territory. A lot of interesting games Evermoor have prepared, and when you're done with the brothels, you can collect memory cards or one of the puzzles. These are pictures with images of heroes in a mysterious house, which will present many more surprises.