Twilight games

Twilight games

Bella once saw a young, handsome, but pale young man who could not stand the sun. It was strange and only communicated with his family, avoiding contact with other peers. His name was Edward Cullen, and he also drew attention to Bella. The love story of a vampire and a mortal aroused conflicting opinions among people, vampires and werewolves. But they continue to be together, free online game Twilight open to all, to play a strange love and kissing, trying to please the eye of others, or to recreate their image with the help of clothes and make-up and paint the puzzle.

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Twilight games for girls Play with the heroes of the popular saga

Stephenie Meyer actually made a miracle, writing a famous novel « Twilight ». That is how women's first love looks like from the inside. If a girl overcomes obstacles external character, standing in the way of her feelings, as does Bell, it becomes stronger, growing as a person gains experience combat circumstances.

The American author Stephenie Meyer has created a series of novels « Twilight », which describes the love story of a girl Bella and vampire Edward. On the basis of these works was filmed a few have become popular in the world of Hollywood movies, and then they were taken to the plot of the game Twilight, aimed mainly at girls. Often, they are invited to pick outfits for the main characters, which depict the actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. They can work individually – for example, there are games that represent only Bella. Here you consistently select for all the beautiful style details:

  • hairstyle
  • make up
  • clothes  
  • The footwear
  • Accessories

Twilight games for girls Feel like a real stylist movie, for that:

  • applied to the Kristen Stewart different shades of lipstick, eye shadow and blush
  • to change the color of her skin and eyes, length of hair and style styling  

The girl's face can dramatically transformed by makeup you selected, which allows the same game to create multiple images, try to pass on the face of the heroine of different emotions. If the game is made in the genre of beauty, clothing choices it can be very limited – only a few bluzochek, a couple of hats. But if it will dress up something from the proposed range could go round the head of even the most Kristen Stewart. There are:

  • skirts
  • The pants
  • t-shirts
  • dresses
  • tops
  • The shoe
  • boots

They can be different compose, achieving a completely new kind of favorite heroines.

Twilight games for girls Other versions of the game Twilight

Often the vampire Edward is involved in a number of games with his beloved Bella. They are, for example, can look at each other admiring eyes and prepare for a passionate kiss. Although at this moment they are unlikely to care about the appearance of their hair, clothing or jewelry, you're still you take on the role of the designer and has worked consistently with images of boy and girl. And when you're done, you can admire your creation on the background of different landscapes.

There are games in which you need to dress and decorate only the handsome Robert. He stands in his underwear and waiting when you put on it a stylish suit with a bright tie, elegant shoes, make a suitable hairstyle. Like a real man, Robert does not tend to give short weight a plurality of accessories, and often it is satisfied with having only sunglasses.

Games for girls Twilight created with other characters in the film. For example, a werewolf Jakob also applying for Bella's heart. There are also games of the movie Twilight, made in other genres – for example, search for hidden objects in the frames of the movie, the main decoration of the room fans actors kissing games. Top games based on the story of the movie Twilight, we have collected for you in this section of our site!