Bmx games

Bmx games

Do you want to feel really cool? Then open free games Bmx online Get on your bike and start playing, making incredible, dizzying somersaults, jumps and speeds up to frenzy. You see a lot of natural and man-made barriers that impede movement. We are confident – You deal with them and went to conquer new virtual fun, which we have in abundance. Be careful to maneuver and to win the next match and become the best racer.

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Active people always find a way to entertain yourself or do sport that it is unavailable due to circumstances – failed geography residence or young age. Racing car or motorcycle look tempting, but if you have not reached the age of majority, no one will trust you to drive.

A little history: the rise of BMX direction

Bmx games In the sixties American teenagers to be smart – wearing motorcycle clothing, riding their bikes and set off to conquer the challenging mototrassy, ​​eyeballs endowed with obstacles.

Over time, the fans of these races was becoming more and the older generation has infected a new idea, becoming its followers. The movement has taken on such magnitude, that it was impossible to ignore, and ten years after the emergence of a new kind of sports – BMX appeared organizations, who took control of the organization and conduct of the competition.

Now, cycle / motor sports and has gone over to Europe, and in the eighties was the first championship of the world under the leadership of the International Federation of BMX. In 1993 he became part of the International Cycling Union, a dozen years later entered the Summer Olympics in Beijing, conducted in 2008.

The unexpected manifestation of creativity and invention of American children has gained immense scope and become a world heritage. Entertainment has grown into a full-fledged sport with its champions, records, awards and capital rules. For him to create an individual outfit and came up with the track, which also became known as BMX.

to conquer bmx games

Bmx games a great show attracts attention and tends to manifest in different areas, but because bmx games online do not surprise anyone. Virtual World welcomes fidgets who like to experience the drive, the adrenaline, the excitement. Get ready to conquer challenging tracks, feel the strength of our great barriers to overcome.

Games in 3D graphics bring a lot of pleasant moments, they are fascinating, but do not allow to relax. Realism has happened makes the process exciting and you can easily lose touch with the present, concentrating performing another trick by jumping over a precipice or trying to conquer the summit.

Rules of Sport

Bmx games As in the real competition, BMX athlete starts to move from a high starting from half to four-meter height. Each track is divided into four straight sections, three sharp turns, there is an obstacle in the form of steps, waves of double and triple jumps, and others. The tasks there is also a technique that involves passing the site without pedaling, and it is called: « pumping ».

passes through the stages of evolution, BMX « overgrown » different directions and bmx games online are ready to enlighten you on this issue.

The main BMX areas

  • Flatland (flat surface) is also called the « dancing » by bike. On a flat surface, the cyclist shows his tricks possession and manner of their performance, and it really looks like a dance.  
  • Freestyle, which means: « free style », includes Vert, Street, Park and Dirt.
  • Vert skating provides rail and a combination of tricks on its edges.  
  • Street (street) – is to overcome the parapets, stairs, benches, beds, railings and other urban facilities.  
  • During style Park (park), the athlete osilivaet not only street construction, but also created specifically for BMX.  
  • Dirt – the movement of the rolling track, where high points he has to portray one of the tricks, such as a revolution in the air.  

As you can see, the sport can not be considered safe, but bmx games online will save you from the risk of injury.