Assassins by Category:
Invincible Assassin
The game Assassins Creed (Creed assassin) is made in the genre of action-adventure and was first introduced in 2006 for the PlayStation 3, and in April 2008 went for Windows in the extended version. Actions are developed in parallel in 1191 and 2012. Nowadays bartender Desmond Miles steals Corporation scientists « Abstergo Industries » and with the help of apparatus constructed Animusoni embedded in his brain to recover fragments of life and memories of his distant ancestor – Arab and assassin named Altair Ibn La-Ahad, acting during the Crusades. Scientists is vital that information, which is owned by the assassin and that is now securely hidden past centuries. Full-length series of realistic toy looks impressive. Nature and characters look really believable and hard to believe that this is draw pictures instead of live action. But in this section we have collected no less interesting online version, and offer you the products that deserve attention.
Assassins Creed Assassins Creed 3 and 4, this is the continuation of the glorious history of the protagonist, curtain and reveal his fantastic adventures. Perhaps it would be correct to say that a few words, who are the assassins. But studying them today, we can say that they fought for what they believed. They had their own code, and they are:
- possessed great many weapons,
- have a good strategy,
- have been riders and perfectly mastered the art of camouflage.
Today Assassins several romanticized what confirmation Assassin Creed game play that is offered in the original version and online. An adventure, historical game, the player is given the opportunity to feel Desmond Millie, who raised his genetic memory and remembered one of his ancestors – Altair.
Try yourself in different roles, playing games Assassin Creed
The aim of the game Assassin steel tasks execute orders leader of the Assassins, committing assassinations. I must say that the deaths have a lot, because a lot of enemies. To the mission was carried out with the best will and additional tasks:
- theft,
- eavesdropping and transmission of information,
- taking enemies captured and interrogated.
However, such drastic measures are not always effective, and because it is sometimes better protection is needed, helpful people. It has a lot to climb sheer walls and climb the highest tower to look around or to remove protection. Altair like a true assassin, trained to creep silently, invisibly, to strike a deadly blow and move on. When the current job is the game Assassin Skrit successful, return to the Brotherhood for a new portion of weapons, information and missions.
you repeatedly experience yourself as a well-aimed sniper, which is a safe shelter and takes aim at objects in order to accurately and deftly remove them. Sometimes it is necessary to act in the dark of the night, and stories in the online versions deviate from the original and send you to the Mexican border or during the Second World War. Also have to fight the living dead, the Indians and train at a secret warehouse in the accuracy of shooting or & hellip; to choose an outfit for a true assassin!