Hockey by Category:
Games hockey for real men and strong women
Ice hockey has long been considered exclusively a man's game, but the women and then have succeeded, so there are increasing team, consisting only of the fair sex.
This is a pretty brutal sport, and we must have the courage that they do. Athletes, in an attempt to take possession of the puck, pushed, pressed to the side of the enemy area and may even hit the club, although it is against the rules. In players with almost no experience of their teeth, and they are frequent visitors dental clinics. Other injuries and fractures, too short – It does not save even the shape of a helmet and protective plates.
hockey can be played not only on the ice – it can be of several types:
- Ice Hockey – the game is on the ice field with a stick and a rubber disk (puck)
- Rink Hockey – Players rollerblading
- Hockey – Now instead of grass used a special coating is used instead of a puck and a hard ball
- Hockey – action takes place on the ice, but instead washers also use a ball
- Hockey quads – the game goes on floors coated with wood, concrete or other dense material. Players ride on roller skates and play ball
- Floorball – hockey in the hall, and as equipment a plastic ball and plastic stick
- Sledge hockey – this play hockey with disabilities who want to continue to lead active lives. They sit on a sled, but otherwise it is a regular on Ice hockey puck and sticks c. This type of hockey is part of the Paralympic Winter Games – analogue Olympics, but for people with disabilities. [eleven]
- Table Hockey – mechanical board design, imitating one of the larger versions of the game
Well, let's go!
Previously, table hockey was the most popular option for home entertainment, but now it is actively displace the game of hockey, for which they do not pay, and can be opened in any version for free. Here unfold realistic simulators and some fragments of action. Optional immediately rush into battle, if you are a beginner. Walk a few practice games, where you have a certain position to score the puck. Sometimes the gate marked the point at which you need to get there. Hit the targets, trying to trick the goalkeeper. Or stand in the gate and repel flying from all sides in you shaybochki rubber. When the speed and the number of starts to increase, it becomes even scary.
Further, hockey games for free will make you party to fight at the rink. You know what it is fraught with trauma, so you can try to avoid a collision, but once found themselves in the thick of things, be aggressive in order to gain the upper hand.
In the hockey games played even ordinary head. They hold sticks teeth, and still wonder how they have not crumble. The little animals in the zoo and the cartoon characters, too, decided to play hockey, and as washers can use donuts. They are softer, although energetically, because I want to win everything.
What is interesting to know about hockey
Hockey gate small: 1.83 meters wide and 1.22 meters in height. Form of players used to be very severe, preventing freedom of movement. Now it became much easier, but stronger due to modern alloys for protective plates.
For a hockey game, each team declares 20-25 people, but on the present six, and one goalkeeper. The match consists of three stages of 20 minutes between them 15-17 minute break. At this time, athletes rest and coach instructs, corrects the game and can make a replacement team member.