Russian fishing games

Russian fishing games

Before you free online Russian fishing. Why do you think Russian, how does it differ from any other? It's simple – Only Russian fishing, mining is network fisherman. We are used to catch fish, even if very small, it is possible to dry at Taranco, cook or give the cat's ear. But the fishermen of other countries fish for fun, for the sake of fact and caught immediately released into the water. We offer to play with advantage, but because you have a full arsenal of feeders, hooks, woods, fishing rods and spinning rods. In the virtual store you can buy ready-made or make yourself a bait.

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Russian fishing by Category:

Be caught, fish, big and small

Russian fishing games Russian fishing play for free online is now available on our game portal. Why Russian? How is it different from fishing in other countries? Based on the mentality of our people, they will never be released prey, when it came into their hands. If America or Europe fishing is the way to spend time outdoors and sports – caught fry is released back into the water, then we have is fishing for the fish, which is then:

  • dried Tarankov;  
  • fry;  
  • brew ear;
  • make homemade preserves;
  • and the cat gets a trifle.  

True fans of the pastime can easily be called the people gambling. As gamblers calculate progress and roulette players invent their own schemes, fishermen are carefully prepared for priests. They are carefully selected gear, prepare yourself mastyrki and bait, keeping others from your original recipe, carefully choose the place of fishing, and every throw rods – a real ritual. Such fishermen are always some spinning, which are filled with different baits, designed for a specific fish. Under the coast in a series of stand rod for catching the little things, which is also followed by a lure a predator, and the boat can catch on the donk. This is akin to sport fishing, too, only the trophy is a fisherman, and is sent into the river. Here is someone who has the competition – fish fisherman cheat by eating the bait and swim away back home, or a fisherman would be smarter and more agile, just seeing the manipulation of fish to hook in it. If you belong to the fans of fishing, play Russian fishing virtual you is also very pleasant.

does what he likes, without leaving the house, playing games Russian fishing

Russian fishing games Russian fishing games In the simulator action looks especially attractive. In its menu, they offer a great variety of places where you can go to relax by the water, bait, fishing rods, hooks and other gear. At the initial stage, all of this free of charge, but the game involves the development of the plot in the future have to pay for access to certain locations and functions. But then you can take part in the competition with other fishermen, go to the beautiful countryside and catch some strange fish, even a fishing trip on a boat or a small boat to catch the rays, sharks and other dangerous fish.

Fishing – best holiday

Who does not want to spend money on online games can be satisfied with flash toys, which are presented in a variety of free in this category. Russian fishing games online will allow to have a good time on the river bank of the colorful, where peace and quiet envelop an invisible veil, and only let the birds crickets violate her with his sonorous singing and flirting with dragonflies float.

threw rods in different places of the lake, and time is cut down, not letting the fish swim away. And on the scale, you will see the number of catches on the distribution of small, medium and large fish. You can also plunge to the bottom of diving and using a harpoon to hunt waterfowl production, but if you are fascinating underwater beauty, bring a camera and take beautiful pictures of rare fish, to then sell them in the Zoological Journal and get a reward. Thus, you will satisfy your fishing instincts, will make a profit, and the fish will suffer. Game about fishing have for the younger players and older gamers. Choose your version and start fishing. Let the luck will smile to you and you catch the biggest fish!