
Game The cat in the hat knows a lot about That! Camp time online

Game The cat in the hat knows a lot about That! Camp time

The cat in the hat knows a lot about That! Camp time

Nick and Sally went camping with a tent, the children found a suitable clearing and were going to settle on it, but do not know what to do next. It's good that they are constantly with the Cat in the hat, who knows almost everything and the favorite players who opened the game! The cat in the hat knows a lot about That! Camp time and ready to help at any time. Get down to business and begin by setting up a tent to ensure a safe night's lodging and protection from unexpected precipitation. To install the tent there are bars, rope and awning, the cat tells you the sequence of actions, use objects that are highlighted. Then it's time to think about food, in the fresh air tourists quickly get hungry, and therefore need a fire in the cat! Camp time. Collect firewood, carefully examining the bushes near the glade and fold them on the smoldering ashes. Logs quickly light up and on the fire you can brown the pieces of marshmallows, but do not turn them into coals. After the merry company, the energetic but stupid cats got stuck for the cat's helper. They, too, can benefit if you force them to collect in a jar of fireflies. Play The cat in the hat knows a lot about That! Camp time is useful for those who are going on a camping trip with an overnight stay, from a smart cat you will learn a lot of useful and instructive and rest on the nature will be pleasant and comfortable.