Tomi funny hilarious cat who lives in a small town near the mountains in the wonderful and fantastic world, where there are no people, and there is only a reasonable animal. Our hero lives a normal life, every day going to work and spends his free evenings with friends. But there he and his hobby. He loves to ride a bike and take part in various competitions. And today we are in the game RigBMX 2 Crash Curse with him poisoned in the mountains where they spend competition on the race bikes. Your task is to pass a line from the starting point and the finish line without falling from great. On all length of the track you will wait a variety of hazards. After all, the road runs through the mountains, which have the features of the relief. That is, various dips in the ground, steep climbs and descents. You need to go through all their speed and do not fall. You can jump, to perform various stunts - do anything to our hero did not fall and was able to stay on the bike. Game RigBMX 2 Crash Course is quite interesting and fun. Opening Rig BMX 2 Crash Course on our website you will be happy to drive a bike together with our hero.