Robots by Category:
The future – of high technology
Mankind has always sought to progress and created mechanisms to facilitate people to their daily work and life. Speaking of robots, we will automatically present the creatures resembling humans and endowed with intelligence. This image imposed by science fiction literature and cinema, and has already managed to take root in our minds, but in reality robots include any machine, be it a car or a machine for the manufacture of any product. Even your computer – it is also a robot, though not at all similar to the android from Star Wars.
Each mechanism will be dead if it is not programmed or run. Whatever the smart artificial intelligence, he still needs human help. One need it, others less, but they are all creations of human hands. There may come a time when robots will be able to play on their own and will look, which can not be distinguished from human. But let us hope that this is still far away, and the like will be only in the pages of science fiction novels, films, and will be available only during online games robots. Otherwise, our biological civilization is waiting for an unenviable future.
But do not let the bad news, because now is the time to have fun and to make discoveries. In this section you will be able to communicate with the robots of different origin, class and destination. Fighting robots are against the residents of the city, and you will not be easy to cope with their destruction. But maybe things are not so bad and you have iron allies. Give them coordinate and arrange around the perimeter to prevent the aggressors in their abode.
In the game Machinarium author Jakub Dvorsky invented an entire planet of robots, where they lived, worked, traveled, fought crime. Yakub created the universe, where there is no usual for us scenery, and all around stretches mechanical Valley, populated by robots. [eleven]
Games Robots are full of surprises
The variety of games is simply amazing:
- In the games can be assembled robot on spare parts yourself, if you can find the necessary details. Demonstrating observation to find, connect what you could find, and this is the work of the designer, because everything has to be in the right place, otherwise the mechanism will not work and fall apart at the first start of his trial.
- Some games for boys robots put the player in a particularly strenuous conditions. The world came to an end, and managed to survive only a few cyborgs. They serve no one, changing the worn parts and renewing the engine oil. You can count only on themselves, but it's very difficult when you do not have legs. Earth lost in the apocalypse, and you face a dilapidated robot must survive by any means.
- On another occasion, on the planet was attacked by aliens and robots attacking the unknown weapon. It seems at first glance innocuous – that can make hardened steel bubble? But when he eats, there is an electrical discharge, immobilizes terrestrial robots. Thank God that scientists invent smart enough weapons, able to withstand space. Arming them androids, they laid their hopes on their agility and fighting skills. By controlling the iron soldier, try to avoid contact with blisters and conduct aimed fire on the enemy.
- Also, online games robots offer the puzzle to see the spectacular battle scenes and giant in all its glory. Coloring is also prepared interesting illustrations and you have only to put war paint to revive martial robots and let them go to the military campaign. A search for excess, will clear the picture and return to her original appearance.