Calimero games

Calimero games

Game Calimero are chicken in black - it is the leading character, which will play for free online. This chick already allocated unusual color among their brethren, so still wearing on his head the half shell. Agree - a hero with no one confused. But the original, not only its appearance but also mind. Calimero very inquisitive, and game scenes with him, too diverse. In order to become more observant, he arranges training for the collection of identical objects, but also brings a dexterity and speed, driving in cars and airplanes to the races.
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Calimero by Category:

Igry Calimero: adventure tsyplenka

Calimero games During the game Calimero you get to know your character, which is clearly different from its neighbors. And anyone who stands out in the crowd is considered to be"white crows". In our case, the hero is not white, but quite the contrary – completely black. But imagine a black chicken, and you'll understand what I mean, because we 've learned that chicken yellow, like tiny suns.
Hero of himself understands his uniqueness, and it tends to emphasize more. Hatched from an egg, he is in no hurry to get rid of the shell on his head, which serves him panamkoy. Now he can not be afraid of the hot rays of the sun to rain and – of these vicissitudes of weather it protects natural shelter.
Calimero first appeared on television in the animated series. It was in 1974, and published only 47 episodes that were filmed on September 1975. Black chick, the only one in the family with the color, the audience liked your adventures. It differed not only color, but also the curious character of their fellows. He was interested in everything, and he always gets into trouble, trying to unravel the strange phenomena, but because the game Calimero presented in the assortment of genres:

Aktivnye games Kalimero

Geroy game Calimero confirms its uniqueness.

  • Gonki
  • Letalki 
  • Tri in ryad
  • Karty pamyati
  • Krestiki - noliki
  • Tetris 


Calimero games

More than once he was seen in subjects with active operations. He somewhere got hold of the plane, and learns the art of flying. Chicken is insecure feeling at the helm, but he hopes to your help to learn the wisdom of the steel bird control.

Pered it will constantly appear obstacles, and you need to be quick and cautious at the same time to a fellow bonuses are not faced with the dangers and the ground. Help Calimero carry out long-held dream to learn to fly like a big bird, maneuvering between the balls and clouds. No less gambling Calimero race. Along with competitors chicken tends to his car forward, trying to come first to the finish point. The road is complicated, and the competitors are serious. At any time, you can tip over if you do not calculate the forces.

Igrushki on logiku

Calimero games useful and interesting to alternate dynamic and adventure games Calimero logic. It has long been loved by fun Tetris is now presented in a version with a black chick. Colored blocks gradually fall faster and faster, and it is necessary to actively rotate them in order to collect an identical shade layers, after which they will disappear, bringing you points. The game will continue until the field is free space, and save it, it is the main purpose of Tetris.

from the memory card is also interesting. They allow you to test and strengthen your visual perception. In several rows laid out cards, but they are turned wrong side for you. By clicking on each, you will see the image, and it bears repeating exactly on another picture. It is necessary to find, but if you click on the card is incorrect, open also turn away. Found correctly will remain open until all of the images do not find their pair, and then start a new level.

Help Calimero check your vision and find glasses. Together with him you will pass several screening tests, which have to write English letters, geometric figures show, drip eyes, set the control lenses, and make several manipulations before finishing touch points – choosing liked form.

still play with the hero of a tic -tac-toe, and try to win a majority of the parties. This game is very well known to everyone, so difficulties with the rules can not be.