
Game Forest Village Getaway Episode 2 online

Game Forest Village Getaway Episode 2

Forest Village Getaway Episode 2

Anyone can get lost in the forest, even the most experienced and knowledgeable traveler. We noticed a beautiful flower or rushed after a rare bird, turned onto an unfamiliar path and everything: the trees around are the same, the landmark is lost. You are moving forward by inertia, but in the end you return to the same place. So it happened with the hero of the game Forest Village Getaway Episode 2, which was lost in a dense wild forest. But he was more fortunate than the rest, soon he went out into the clearing and saw a forest house. But the joy proved premature, because the house was empty and the hope for help evaporated. The hero himself has to get out of the dump himself, collecting and using various items to solve puzzles and unlocking locks.