Having advanced in experiments on DNA, scientists thought about the restoration of those species of animals that have disappeared due to natural disasters or from human activities. The choice fell on dinosaurs. The necessary material was extracted from the bones of prehistoric lizards and work began. It turned out to be successful and soon a whole set of Jurassic animals appeared. Several special enclosures were built for them and guarded from prying eyes. But either the automatics did not work, or the guards missed, but one dinosaur managed to get free and he went for a walk around the nearby town. The lizard swept the team of fighters who tried to stop him from the sidewalk with a powerful blow of its tail. But the shots angered him and he went to destroy everything around, and you will help him. After all, your task in Monster Dinosaur Rampage is to fill the scale on the left. It will only fill up when the dinosaur breaks something.