Mahjong can pass only a very considerate person. After all, this puzzle game is designed to check not only the observation, but also thinking. Play Mahjong Deluxe everyone can, but whether one will be able to complete it. Check their strength quickly and easily, just by pressing the start of the game. The purpose of the puzzle - to remove from the field all the cards. What is remarkable, these cards or tiles. Call them as you like, but the essence is the same. Each tile a picture is displayed, and they are all paired. Place these pictures in a chaotic manner, as it seems at first glance. They can be arranged in several layers, and cover each other. You can create a pair of identical pictures, but if the tiles are located at the side of the field, and one side of it is free from a neighbor. Such tiles easily disappear from the field. In Mahjong Deluxe game will bring you extra bonus time. Master Mahjong game do not use the tips, but if you are a beginner and still not very well versed in the rules and maybe you all look similar images, click on the prompt. With them, you can understand a little bit what the tiles leave the field, and which can not yet. If you think that the golf game Mahjong Deluxe is no longer any possible connection cards, it is a function, as stirring. All the tiles change their location, and there is a lot of new moves. Now, again, you can begin to search, trying to do so until the elapsed time bonus. You can easily get confused, because the Chinese characters are very similar, so do elementary mistake. In this game there is a series of puzzles with Chinese characters, images of dragons and birds. They will be different complexity, as well as the shape, which is created by the tiles. Therefore, play Mahjong Deluxe will not be bored, even if you open it every day. Just choose a new card and get to its passage.