
Game Civilizations Wars: Master Edition online

Game Civilizations Wars: Master Edition

Civilizations Wars: Master Edition

Civilization developed, raised, fought, broke and so happened and is happening continuously since ancient tribes to modern forms developed. Game Civilizations Wars Master Edition - is a unique collection for fans of the development of tactics and strategy. Special version includes four popular games and tons of exciting levels, which for a long time to attract your attention. Begin first and win supremacy over the empire, which is located on the other side of the river. At your disposal not only the soldiers, ready at the first call to run, to fight and die for the good of the ruler, but the forces of nature - fire meteor shower. It energizes crystal well, so try to protect it from enemy attacks. Build strengthening, develop them and capture enemy structures, taking into account its and its possibilities. The second war in Civilizations Wars Master Edition will take place on the islands, where the battle will converge in ruthless pirates, local tribes and troops arrived from the mainland, trying to impose their cultural values ​​. Who do you support, you choose, but in any case you need to win, capturing territory and strengthened them. Third Battle - an epic, because what happens between the world's civilizations, East and West, Asia and Europe will come together in an irreconcilable war to prove that their state structure, management practices and religion the most appropriate and reasonable. Again, you have to choose someone's side and otvoёvyvat right to become one great empire. The fighting taking place on land and sea, show the wisdom of the great general, for you there is a civilization. If you have enough navoyevat under the bright tropical sun and sea winds, the fourth war Civilizations Wars Master Edition will take place in the northern part of our planet on the ice islands, where permafrost prevails. Party to the conflict may become Eskimo tribe or army of Santa Clauses. Actively use magic spells, they were charged with crystals, you should make every effort to protect. Try to quickly capture the enemy's castle, until the enemy had time to harden thoroughly.