
Game Save The Cowboy online

Game Save The Cowboy

Save The Cowboy

Sometimes fearless cowboys need your help and it happened right now in the game Save The Cowboy. The poor fell into a trap and found themselves on the gallows. Brave guys are hanging out on the crossbar and will soon emit spirit if you do not arrive on time and do not save them. Turn for the time of the game in the brave Robin Hood, who saves the innocent and shoots the bow like a god. Equal to the skill of the archer did not know the story, but you have to surpass it, because the lives of people are at stake. You need to shoot so that the point of the arrow hits the rope. Watch the scale of life above the heads of the poor fellows, if the green color disappears, the soul of the hanged man will fly to the heavens, and you will have to start the level first. By the way, the number of arrows is also limited.